Tuesday, September 26, 2006

General - In the line of Fire ??

No doubdt he is one of the important state heads today in new world order. India also no longer can ignore him or his statements. Gen.Musharaf's autobiography. But against his expectations "In the line of Fire" actually has put him under fire. The pakistani president has been too general in data give aways ! No classification or declassification, the authenticity however questionable ! Though he claims this book to have an insight of contemprorary pakistan, general has spoke more on the non-pakistani's !!

Musharaf took over pak at a time when internal economy was crumbling, northen states almost in the hands of terrorists ! He definitely used his military experience to tackle a few issues, but not justified in all cases !

A few illogical rhetorics are raising doubts of the whole context of the book itself ! One example is he stating India acquiring nuclear installation drawings through doubtful means. A strongly accepted fact is that most of Indian technology especially after 1960's are indigenious !
This is totally unrequired to present context and not a befitting incident. Other was the Agra summit 2004. Clouds are still dark on what happened at the summit and aftermath.

Every time both countries restart their dialouge but with old baggage. Acceptable that "out of box" solution is required. But will have to come from a joint committee committed to welfare of everyone involved ! Kargil being self praised as victory tactically also may not be totally true. Detailed accounts have emerged since then which do conflict many of general's view.

Well bcos of 9/11 or not, general better be ready to be bombed to his stone age life after forthcoming elections, if at all it happens !! Well atleast he is projecting himself to be a too general leader than a general ! Action will have to speak than words !

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