One thing which Genghis khan or Alexander the great aspired but did not get there is known history - "Conquer the World" ! Now google wants to continue their legacy atleast in spirit, if not literally ! Player is making is obvious thro the genius of his game. Google well fits into the analogy. Right from its inception it has followed "First ball itself a sixer" principle ! We do know it has been batting hard, but steadily. Started with sachin's vigour, going the dravid's "wall" way ! Statistics say "500M clicks a day". Imagine 50% of India Using Google or whole of US & Britain put togther !
"Googol" as defined by them is 1 followed by 100 zero's ! "What's in name" does not fit google, for it has passion in it ! Larry Page and Sergi Brain tactfully unlocked their missile from Stanford to Infinity !! Bang on target created a wave which no other product in IT history has ever dreamt of, including "Hotmail". I hardly can think of an IT professional's day passing without a click on the google. Intrestingly more than 50% audience is outside its home ground USA. But steve Balmer supports it fits more to iPod ! Well is he biting the apple too hard ?
Google earth had caught the imagination of millions besides scorn of few defence establishements including India. But she marches on bravely. Lives by the legacy "World is my play field". All this in very small time span of less than a decade of its inception from humble menlo park ! Only guy to challange Bill's empire. Google book is another innovation in the pages of history.
Recently it vested into its portfolio besides it hunt for Radio business !
I guess it's well on its path to conquer today's competetive world. Your "Dog Missing" .. Do not worry Google's satellites might search it in ".00001 Secs" !! Well it is no Asimov's dream but google's magic ! As Thomas Friedmann Questions " Is Google God? " ! -
My answer - Emphatic Yes !!
A few reasons why google is "god" .. It's IT's best friend without which there is no well being for him. Ominpotent and present everywhere, anytime ! Finally "Ask and you shall Recieve" .. who gives you for free except GOD ! Ultimate one- Type "God" & see for urself :-) !!